Title: Manager Nutri-Tech Srl e responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo
Association/Company: Nutri-Tech Srl
Chimico e tecnologo farmaceutico con 20 anni di esperienza nel settore nutrizionale, farmaceutico e diagnostico. Esperienze tecnologiche di ricerca e sviluppo in vari settori tecnologici quali Diagnostica, Impianti a ricircolo, Allevamento, Alimentazione, Produzione Idrogeno. Responsabile Itticoltura, Direttore Ricerca e Sviluppo Nutri-Tech Srl.
Speech session
Circularity and Sustainability in Food Production
Replace Fat with Fillet: get more from the diet
In energy unit terms, the fat part of the fish ‘weighs’ much more than the protein one; the caloric equivalence is more than 5:1, that is 1 g of fat tissue has more calories than 5 g of muscle tissue. The factors contributing to obtaining a lean fish (preferred by the consumer) are genetic, management, environmental and, above all, nutritional.
Field experiences are already showing how to direct the metabolism to produce more meat and less fat deposits. There are numerous nutritional, environmental, management, health and, last but not least, economic advantages in achieving this goal.
Speech session
Decarbonization in Aquaculture
RNH3 + CO2 = Clean Energy + HEALTHY FOOD
From farm ammonia to hydrogen production
Nutri-Tech Srl has started a new department dedicated to hydrogen as energy from livestock sources. The use of specific decomposers for farm ammonia makes it possible to obtain significant quantities of hydrogen to be used to produce electricity.
The use of new technologies makes it possible to produce oxygen from water on site reducing the cost of liquid oxygen supply.
The low electricity consumption of oxygen production technology allows it to be used directly on fish transport trucks, making oxygen autonomy, in combination with photovoltaic panels, almost unlimited.
Organic substances dissolved in water can be metabolised recovering almost all the water that is reused in the production of edible plants, thus absorbing CO2 from the environment.
The combination of these technologies converts into a formula that is as simple as revolutionary:
NH3 + CO2 = Clean Energy + HEALTHY FOOD