Mediterranean acquaculture: Countries in dialogue (Italy, Spain, Turkiye, Croatia)
A multi-voiced dialogue between the protagonists of Mediterranean aquaculture and their suppliers, with its general peculiarities, which differentiate it both on land and at sea from those of Continental and Northern Europe, and of individual countries.
Funded research projects (review)
Interreg Italy Croatia BIOBASED
Interreg Italy Croatia MARINET
Farmed final product: producers, packers, HORECA and modern distribution in dialogue
An informal round table to discuss supply and demand for farmed fish and shellfish, involving representatives of producers, independent packagers, such as frozen food producers, and the two large markets, individual and collective catering and hospitality on the one hand, and modern and contemporary retail (e-commerce) on the other.
Company sponsored workshops
Circularity in fishfarming
Reducing the environmental impact of fish farming is one of the components of the expansion of aquaculture, but it is also a positive factor for the economic sustainability of the activities. Circularity in fact means both the elimination of feed waste but also the use of fish first processing waste, carried out on the farm, […]
Research projects session
Decarbonization and energy self-generation and consumption in aquaculture
The abnormal increase in energy costs has led many fishfarms to critical economic sustainability conditions in recent years. The situation has improved, but the lesson has been learned and the trend of producing energy by farms with their own means has taken hold, from biogas to photovoltaic, even innovative ones such as floating PV. The […]
Funded research projects (review)
Functional feeds for aquaculture
Speech by Skretting
Speech by Chemifarma
EU – FEAMPA session
The change in the European institutions has also led to a change in the implementation structures of the programs. The session aims to illustrate the innovations and how they will impact or not on the development of programs such as FEAMPA. The session will be attended by European, national and regional representatives, as well as […]